On a recent trip I found myself in the ornate office of a state governor. This leader and I didn’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of things – in fact, he didn’t even believe God existed, but he had invited me to come talk with him about the work of Prison Fellowship Ministries (PFM). Based on our record of success elsewhere, he wanted to see how we might help him tackle the high rates of incarceration and recidivism in his state.
He looked across the table at me and asked why inmates who successfully complete Prison Fellowship programs are far less likely to return to prison after they are released, and I only had one answer: Jesus Christ. He is the only One who can remove sin at its root in the human heart. He is the only one can bring real restoration and renewal. He is the only who can bring a person from selfishness to selflessness.
After hearing my explanation, this governor let me know that PFM would be welcome in his state, and he asked his staff to make sure our involvement there is free from obstacles.
God has an amazing way of opening locked doors. He clears the way for His work to move forward – even when all the parties involved doesn’t necessarily acknowledge Him! Prison Fellowship is all about the exciting ways God works: He opens locked hearts through the ministry of churches and volunteers; He breaks the chains of sin that keep inmates in bondage to a criminal lifestyle; He uses the transformation of prisoners to show the world the depth and efficacy of His grace.