There’s a solution to crime, and it’s been staring us in the face for a long time. It’s not more education. It’s not better economic policies or a police officer on every corner. Economics, legislation, and policing are all important, of course, and followers of Jesus should be working vigorously in every area to promote justice and peace, but none of those things will actually solve the problem of crime where it starts: in the human heart.
So what will? Prisoners.
When men and women get on the wrong side of the criminal justice system, crime, and incarceration lay waste to their lives, their families, and their communities. They are called “inmate.” They answer to a number. They are told over and over again that they have no potential, no value, and no hope. After they are released, they learn that society’s punishment lasts long after the sentence has ended. Not surprisingly, two-thirds are rearrested within a few years.
But what if, instead, the rehabilitation of prisoners started at the moment of arrest? What if the entire criminal justice system was geared toward restoring men and women to their God-given potential, so that they re-enter their community prepared to bring transformation to their homes and neighborhoods? Crime will stop when former criminals instead foster healing and peace.
That’s what Prison Fellowship is aiming for, and the new Welcome Back Pack project is one step in that direction. The packs equip newly released ex-prisoners with basic essentials and a Bible to meet their physical and spiritual needs. It’s a perfect way to communicate to ex-prisoners that they have a hope and future in Christ. Learn more today – and be part of the solution with us.