At a recent event in New York City, I was privileged to introduce Quovadis Marshall to a group pf people who financially support the ministries of Prison Fellowship.
“Q,” as we call him, shared his story: He was raised in poverty by a single mom who worked diligently to feed her kids. His grandma took him to church regularly, and he decided to follow Jesus in his late teens.
As a young man, however, Q ran into trouble with the law. In a heartbreaking picture of the cycle of crime, he wound up in prison at the same time as his father. But Q’s story was only just beginning behind bars.
Q entered a Prison Fellowship program, resumed his walk with Jesus, and began to take his faith more seriously than ever before. Since his release, Q has been a godly husband, father, and servant of the Lord. He is a prayer warrior. We were able to bring him on staff, and he is now leading a prisoner prayer movement.
When Q finished speaking, I asked he people in the room how the stock market had done that day. A round of groans followed, since Wall Street had performed poorly. I then put my arm around Q and said to my friends, “This is the dividend on your investment in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
As you invest in eternal things, the impact of redemption grows, spreading from changed life to changed life. Stocks may go up and down, but the Kingdom’s value never falls. Learn how to join this work financially today by clicking here.