Prison Fellowship® is partnering with Celebrate Recovery to provide addiction recovery programming to incarcerated men and women nationwide.
This type of programming is needed more than ever, as statistical evidence reveals that 50 percent of federal prisoners are held on drug offenses and, without intervention, 76.9 percent of them are likely to be rearrested after their release from incarceration.
John Baker, founder of Celebrate Recovery.
Beginning immediately, Prison Fellowship will introduce Celebrate Recovery to its Prison Fellowship Academy™ in 75 prisons across the country. These intensive Academies assist prisoners in a holistic life transformation in which they are mentored by Prison Fellowship staff and volunteers to become restored individuals both inside and outside of prison.
Celebrate Recovery has designed its program to help people overcome hurts, hang-ups and habits. In the last 7 years, over 175,000 inmates have completed the 1-year program. Bringing the program to more prisoners struggling with an addiction is a natural extension of Prison Fellowship’s goal to see prisoners use their sentences as a time to grow, change and find a new, positive life path while incarcerated.
Celebrate Recovery is also implementing and promoting Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree® program at all existing Celebrate Recovery groups across the country.
James Ackerman, president and chief executive officer of Prison Fellowship.
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.
Twenty-five years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people. Celebrate Recovery has helped more than 20,000 people at Saddleback, attracting over 70 percent of its members from outside the church. Eighty-five percent of the people who go through the program stay with the church and nearly half serve as church volunteers.
At Prison Fellowship we remember those in prison. We believe in second chances, and that prison should be a place of rehabilitation. Through our programs, we offer incarcerated men and women hope, encouragement, and support to be transformed.