"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Mat. 28:20, NIV)
Psychologists tell us that more people suffer from the effects of loneliness than any other malady. Though there is very little privacy behind prison walls, there is also very little companionship, friendship, and trust. Where can a friend be found?
By Warren*
"Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and He hears my voice." (Psalm 55:17, NIV)
Since I am a convict in a maximum security prison, my lifestyle is harsh compared to the world outside these walls. But I know that Jesus, my "best friend," is always at my side. But, as often happens, when I am not conscious of His presence and am preoccupied with the little busy things of life, I don't speak to my Friend. So I neglect the greatest privilege and power: prayer.

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That is a tragedy. If we ever needed to repent of our prayerlessness, to turn our lives over to God, it is now. I ask myself, "How often did I speak to Him today? Did I speak to Him not only to ask, but also to thank Him, and praise Him for who He is?"
PRAYER: My dearest Friend, when I forget to speak to You, speak to me until we speak together. Amen.
*Name has been changed.