Prison is a place where it often takes great courage to be baptized and take a stand for Christ. Many prisoners with newfound faith are reluctant to declare it out of fear that they will no longer be accepted by their friends, or they will become objects of scorn.
But that didn't stop a group of men inside the Carol S. Vance Unit in Richmond, Texas. They were baptized within the prison facility in a portable pool in March.

'Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.'
Romans 6:3–4

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. It's how you publicly declare that Jesus is the Lord of your life and that you intend to follow Him wherever He asks you to go. And it's the first thing Jesus asks of those who have put their faith in Him.
We congratulate these men for stepping out in faith and telling the world they believe in Christ!
In prison yards across the country, men and women are being introduced to the hope of Jesus Christ through Prison Fellowship® Hope Events. At every Hope Event™, speakers, musicians, and other performers, along with local volunteers, convey the life-changing message that Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
During our 2019 fiscal year, more than 21,483 prisoners experienced the love of Christ through 209 Hope Events in 29 states—20% more events than we had originally hoped for! God is using these events to open prisoners' hearts to Christ. At least 4,764 made first-time decisions or rededications to follow Him.
You can be a part of this unique ministry. Volunteer with Prison Fellowship and bring the hope of the Gospel behind prison walls.

If you have a passion for sharing the Gospel and serving others, we invite you to consider taking the love and truth of Jesus Christ behind prison walls.
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