Hope Events Proclaim Freedom in Christ to Prisoners Nationwide
Prisoners are often out of sight and out of mind—but they don’t have to be out of hope.
As we work to transform prisoners’ lives and prison culture, we hold fast to our legacy of sharing the Good News of Jesus with men and women behind bars. With exuberant worship and candid testimonies, Prison Fellowship Hope Events feature speakers, musicians, and other inspirational guests. And we couldn’t be more grateful for your partnership as we share the amazing hope of Jesus Christ in prison yards across this nation.
In this fiscal year, more than 21,400 prisoners experienced the love of Christ through 209 Hope Events in 29 states–20% more events than we had originally hoped for! God is using these events to open prisoners' hearts to Christ. At least 4,764 made first-time decisions or rededications to follow Christ. And we have our sights set on sharing the Gospel with thousands more in the coming fiscal year.
209 Hope Events were held in prisons across the country.
21,483 prisoners attended a Hope Event.
4,764 prisoners made decisions to follow Christ.
"This event … gave me more courage, more strength, more faith. It showed me that God is reaching out to me and cares about me."
— Jake, Hope Event attendee
"… declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."
—1 Peter 2:9-10
Last October, a South Carolina prison welcomed a Prison Fellowship Hope Event™ into its chapel–one of the first in-prison events in the state since a deadly riot broke out earlier that year in the same facility. When a Prison Fellowship volunteer called on the men to receive Christ, 37 men spilled into the aisles. The volunteer said that the crowd of prisoners formed the shape of a cross-a reminder that the Gospel is advancing in even the most formidable places!