At only 18, Albert was a father-to-be facing life in prison and the reality of missing the birth of his child. But God had a plan and a purpose for his life.
At only 18, Albert was a father-to-be facing life in prison and the reality of missing the birth of his child. But God had a plan and a purpose for his life.
Hector tithed on the money he was making from his drug deals, believing that was enough. But God was after more than just Hector’s money.
For years, Raul lived a life of crime. When he got caught, he faced 57 felonies. But God had a greater purpose waiting for him in jail.
A version of the following story will be featured in an upcoming Inside Journal, Prison Fellowship’s quarterly newspaper for prisoners. If you would like to view past issues of Inside Journal, or would like to contribute to providing this resource for men and women behind bars, click here.
In the midst of tragedy, Tom found hope in his relationship with God.
Kate Campbell is a summer intern with Prison Fellowship, working with Inside Journal. She is currently studying photojournalism at Boston University.
Recently, the Wisconsin State Journal published an article about a program called Reading Connections, which allows incarcerated fathers and mothers to record videos of themselves reading stories for their children.
Kate Campbell is a summer intern with Prison Fellowship, working with Inside Journal. She is currently studying photojournalism at Boston University.
It’s not every day you get to meet a former vice-presidential candidate.
However, the interns at Prison Fellowship Ministries had the privilege to meet with Rep.
Motherhood is already a full-time job. Imagine how difficult it is for those moms facing an extra obstacle: incarceration.
What is it like to be a mother while in prison? Directed by Jenifer McShane, the documentary “Mothers of Bedford” explores the effects of long-term incarceration on mothers’ relationships with their children through the eyes of several women at the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility in Bedford Hills, New York.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.