Continue to encourage and support prisoners’ families throughout the year.
Prison Fellowship Angel Tree® Christmas is a great way to share gifts and the Gospel with children of incarcerated men and women. But it’s just a start. Your local Angel Tree ministry can change lives all year long by creating a supportive community in the church for hurting families, where they can experience the transforming power of Christ.
You can bring joy to prisoners’ children by letting them know God loves them, no matter what has happened to their family. You can give them peace by sharing Christ and inviting them to be a part of your caring church family. And you can help them stay strong and united as they wait for the day when Mom or Dad returns home.
Here are some suggested ways to continue your ministry throughout the year:
Provide food, music, face painting, games, prizes, etc. This is a day to introduce Angel Tree families to other families in your church. It’s a time to simply have fun, meet new people, and build deeper relationships.
Many parents or guardians didn’t expect to be a raising a child on their own and struggle to make space for themselves. It can be especially difficult to take a night off. Provide onsite care for the children and plan a meal and fun activities at the church for parents and guardians.
Writing letters is often the best form of communication between children and their incarcerated parents. To make the process smoother, you can help children think of things to say in their letters. Encourage everyone to follow your state’s department of corrections rules for prisoner correspondence.
Determine the gender, grade levels, and number of children you wish to serve. Then purchase the required school supplies and throw a party for the kids. Providing this support can relieve financial pressure on parents and guardians and help children have a more successful school year.
There are a number of books written for children of incarcerated parents. Giving kids an opportunity to hear about how others cope with similar experiences can be very helpful. You might use additional books to share the Gospel or moral values. Take time for children to share their thoughts or let them draw pictures about what they think about the books.
You don’t need a theater to host a movie night! Convert a classroom or fellowship hall into a fun, comfortable place to watch movies and allow children to relax and enjoy themselves in a safe environment.
There is truly no limit to the many ways your church can serve the children and families of the incarcerated. You can provide inspirational books or magazine subscriptions, surprise them with a food basket on Thanksgiving, celebrate their birthdays, set up a tutoring program for struggling students, or offer to do repairs on their home or car.
Above all, let the families of those behind bars know they are welcome at your church. Invite the kids to Sunday school and Vacation Bible School. Involve the parents and guardians in your women’s or men’s ministries. Include them in your Fourth of July cookout and your Easter celebration. Ask if they want to join the choir or help plan the church’s annual yard sale. You will be amazed at how richly you—as well as they—are blessed as you enfold the families of the incarcerated into your fellowship.