Share these encouraging devotionals with prisoners you mentor.
These short devotionals written by prisoners paint a picture of how each writer grew in Christ by studying God’s Word and surrendering to Him.
INTRODUCTION–Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship®, writes an encouraging message to prisoners.
I SURRENDER MY DESPAIR–Though prison may feel like you’re walking through the valley of the shadow of death, God can help you overcome despair.
I SURRENDER MY FEAR–Amid the dangers and threats of prison life, discover God’s way of dealing with fear.
I SURRENDER MY FAILURE–The world may think you’re a failure, but Jesus loves you just the way you are.
I SURRENDER MY BITTERNESS–Don’t let bitterness destroy you; Jesus offers peace for the soul.
I SURRENDER MY FAMILY WORRIES–God cares about your family and wants to restore their lives.
I SURRENDER MY LONELINESS–Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother and is with you always.
I SURRENDER MY WILLFULNESS–Doing things our way leads to ruin; discover the blessing of living obediently to God.
CONCLUSION–Even in the darkest dungeon, Jesus Christ is alive.