When applicants to one of the State University of New York’s (SUNY) 64 campuses apply for admission, they are required to answer question 20a: “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?” The question has proven to be a major hurdle for men and women with criminal records, with three of five of such applicants dropping out of the application process before reaching its conclusion.
By Steve Rempe
September 19, 2016
College | Nancy Zimpher | Second Prison Project | State University of New York | SUNYThe following post originally appeared aired as a BreakPoint commentary on March 17.
During a recent visit to Swarthmore College, political scientist Robert Putnam of Harvard asked everyone in the room whose parents had graduated from college to raise their hands.
By Eric Metaxas
March 17, 2015
Chuck Colson | College | David Brooks | education | Eric Metaxas | Relativism | Robert Putnam