Slam dunk legend Kenny Dobbs has made a name for himself in basketball, but his passion is helping at-risk kids get on the right track.
Slam dunk legend Kenny Dobbs has made a name for himself in basketball, but his passion is helping at-risk kids get on the right track.
How the Inside Journal R&O edition was called into active duty and became essential reading for quarantined prisoners during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A new, exclusive Facebook group allows Prison Fellowship Academy alumni to connect and support one another, even from afar.
America’s PPE shortage is endangering those who are at a high risk of contracting the disease. Meanwhile, a group of Chinese Christians want to help.
Because Marcus Bullock was given a second chance, his business Flikshop is connecting families separated by prison walls and the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 forced Blackburn Correctional Center to close its doors to visitors, but that didn’t stop dedicated volunteers and DOC staff from serving incarcerated men.
Senators Portman and Cardin introduce legislation to remove penalties from business owners with criminal records during the pandemic.
Federal prisons under national lockdown as protests continue after the death of George Floyd
In the world of COVID-19, concerns of prisoners’ families are heavy. Practicing social distance can be difficult behind bars—if not impossible. The threat of illness is high for people living and working within the prison system. Angel Tree’s Michelle Payette says, “When you can't control things, you’ve got to learn to pray.”
Prison Fellowship’s policy team releases interactive map of COVID-19’s impact on state and federal prisons across the United States.
As our world navigates COVID-19, Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree is actively reaching out to families of prisoners to pray with them and encourage them.
Prison Fellowship’s policy team releases interactive map of COVID-19’s impact on state and federal prisons across the United States.
Prison Fellowship’s policy team releases interactive map of COVID-19’s impact on state and federal prisons across the United States.
An in-prison sewing club—which includes several Prison Fellowship Academy® participants—is helping to protect Oklahoma City from COVID-19, one handmade mask at a time.
Prison Fellowship joins International Corrections and Prison Association in applauding correctional staff during coronavirus pandemic.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.