Long-time Prison Fellowship supporter, Lois Patton, donated her car to the ministry through Planned Giving, furthering a legacy of generosity.
For Tim, the greatest Christmas gift of all was meeting Jesus Christ.
For Mark, the Christmas present he received last year was more than just a new basketball.
God is rewriting the stories of children all over the country.
Purchasing gifts for your friends and family this season? Did you know you can also give to Prison Fellowship through Amazon Smile at no extra cost to you?
In 1974, while serving time in prison for his role in Watergate, Prison Fellowship founder Chuck Colson was wrestling with thoughts about what he would do with his life after his release.
“Here I was in pris on, public enemy number one, the notoriety of the Watergate publicity, and the most depressing thing to me was the realization that I probably couldn’t ever do anything significant with my life again.”
In moments of challenge, you and I have two options: We can yield to anxiety, or we can choose thanksgiving. We can rejoice in our secure spiritual inheritance. We can rest in God’s promises of provision. We can trust the One who holds us in the palms of His nail-scarred hands.
(Click on letter to view larger image.)
“My name is Carlos,” the letter begins. “I am 44 years old, a husband and father who is incarcerated, and has been for going on 9 years.”
Carlos is one of thousands of men and women who have been a part of Prison Fellowship’s in-prison programs.
Many friends like you help us with Angel Tree year after year, whether it’s by praying, giving financially, wrapping a gift, or working at a Christmas party. This past Christmas, you helped us match 330,663 children with volunteers who delivered gifts, the Gospel, and personal messages from moms and dads behind bars.