Prison Fellowship, Flikshop, and Stand Together partner to provide messages of love and support from friends and family members.
Prison Fellowship, Flikshop, and Stand Together partner to provide messages of love and support from friends and family members.
Let's be honest: Even when the years pass, and we're good and 'grown,' are we really in charge of our lives?
When his daughter tragically passed away, David struggled to trust again.
Patterns of brokenness seem to pass through family generations, almost like an inheritance.
Pelipost's "Love Your Inmate Day" is a special day dedicated to prisoners and their families on the outside. Read more to find out how you can participate!
For the past several months, Google has led a unique campaign that reconnects children with their incarcerated parents through Project #LoveLetter. On Fathers’ Day, they showcased some of the #LoveLetters that kids sent to their incarcerated fathers.
As many know, the United States represents only 5 percent of the world population while holding 25 percent of the world’s prison population.
Ninety percent of runaways and homeless children are from fatherless homes. So are 63 percent of teens who commit suicide, and 39 percent of jail inmates. When it comes to kids’ well-being, nothing is more beneficial than a loving, supportive relationship with their fathers.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.