An incarcerated father. A mom left on her own. Could Diane and her girls survive life on the outside without John?
An incarcerated father. A mom left on her own. Could Diane and her girls survive life on the outside without John?
For many, maintaining a relationship with a prisoner is complicated. Here are four resources for spouses and families affected by incarceration.
Pat knew God had called her to prison ministry, but the work was hard and long. And then God sent her Stan.
The following post was adapted from an article published in the Winter 2013 edition of Inside Journal. Inside Journal is a quarterly newspaper published by Prison Fellowship® just for prisoners.
I had the privilege of performing a wedding last weekend. The bride is a godly young woman, and the groom is a fine young man and Jesus follower. As a couple they are a matching set. One can see how God has created them for each other and will use them mightily.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.