Prison Fellowship to host April 6th prayer walk event around the White House for Second Chance Month this Saturday.
Prison Fellowship to host April 6th prayer walk event around the White House for Second Chance Month this Saturday.
This week, members of Prison Fellowship met with White House leaders and others to discuss prison reform, which continues to gain support from the White House.
A diverse collection of companies is collaborating with the Obama administration in an attempt to remove hindrances for men and women seeking employment following incarceration.
The Fair Chance Business Pledge calls for employers to endorse hiring practices that provide former prisoners with an opportunity to succeed.
Prison Fellowship Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Public Policy Craig DeRoche (back row, third from left) and other religious leaders at the 2015 White House Prayer Breakfast.
On March 30, Prison Fellowship Vice President for Advocacy and Public Policy Craig DeRoche offered the closing prayer as part of the annual White House Easter celebration.
Last Friday afternoon, Prison Fellowship’s Craig DeRoche, senior vice president of policy and advocacy, joined President Obama at the White House for a preview of HBO VICE’s upcoming special “Fixing the System,” a documentary on the current state of America’s criminal justice system and what can be done to improve it.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.