We all have a deep need to understand the Gospel in terms that are meaningful to us – that resonate in the deepest part of who we are.
A significant minority of men and women incarcerated in the United States speak Spanish as their primary language. That’s why, earlier this year, Prison Fellowship published Inside Journal® in Spanish for the first time – to share the Gospel with them in the language closest to their hearts. This effort, made possible by friends like you, has already started to bear fruit.
Recently we got this letter (translated below from the original Spanish) from a prisoner in California. Alfredo wrote:
“Today I found a newspaper called Inside Journal in Spanish, and there I found your address. I would really like to enroll in a Bible study because I would like to know God and about how powerful they say His Word is. I really know very little and here where I am there are various religions which, really, instead of helping me, confuse me. That’s why I hope you can bless me by giving me a Bible study and if it’s possible a Bible too because … I want to know which one is the true religion and the only way to know that is to study the Bible and do Bible studies. Only that way will I know who God is and what He wants from me. I thank you in advance for taking the trouble to read this letter and for the great and noble work you are doing. When you are in prison everyone else turns their back on you.”
Thank you for not turning your back on prisoners like Alfredo who are thoughtfully seeking to know the Way, the Truth, and the Life!