Our money decisions can impact every area of our lives, both inside and outside prison. Here are seven new habits you can develop toward financial freedom.
Our money decisions can impact every area of our lives, both inside and outside prison. Here are seven new habits you can develop toward financial freedom.
Inside Journal readers shared some simple prison recipes that make for fun treats, at Christmastime or anytime, behind bars.
Prison can be challenging for parents separated from their children. Incarcerated mom Karla offers creative ways for parents bond with their children.
Celebrate the holidays with Prison Fellowship's Christmas playlist on Spotify with songs chosen by current and former prisoners.
Health problems are common behind bars. Some issues can be helped through better lifestyle choices, like exercise, restful sleep, and healthy eating habits.
Difficulties change us. How can we remain strong when nothing is the same?
There’s no such thing as a throwaway person, not even prisoners serving a life sentence. Behind bars, “lifers” are finding a second chance.
Parents play a unique and irreplaceable role in their children’s lives. So how can incarcerated parents still actively fill that role from behind bars?
Make sure you and your loved one are ready for what's next with these three things to do before a prisoner's release date.
In this article from Inside Journal, Zachary Sewell shares three tips for prisoners who desire true freedom and repentance.
It's hard to count your blessings when you're coping with the day-to-day realities of prison. It's even harder during the holidays. But four prisoners have found several reasons to give thanks this year.
Let's be honest: Even when the years pass, and we're good and 'grown,' are we really in charge of our lives?
Conflict resolution is hard for everyone but everything is harder behind bars. These are some of the best ways to deal with conflict in your life.
In "The Dangers of the Blame Game," Inside Journal's guest writer Stan Guthrie shares his personal story of life with cerebral palsy.
That first Christmas wasn't a fancy event. It was a young man and woman, with zero experience as parents, placing the Son of God in a feeding trough for dirty, smelly farm animals.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.