There are currently 44 state and federal prisons in America classified as "supermax" prisons. These prisons house their entire incarcerated population in solitary confinement.
As "black sites," supermax prisons have been off-limits to the public and the press.
Until now.
Premiering on HBO Monday, February 6 at 10 p.m. ET/PT, "Solitary: Inside Red Onion State Prison" takes viewers behind the walls of this supermax prison in Virginia to discover what solitary confinement is really like.
Directed by Kristi Jacobson, known for her intimate and provocative films that reveal nuanced individuals and communities, "Solitary" seeks to bring awareness and transparency to the issue of solitary confinement in America.
This revealing and moving portrait of life in solitary confinement includes stories from corrections officers and prisoner reflections.
"In God's eyes every life is worthy of dignity and love," says James Ackerman, president and chief executive officer for Prison Fellowship®. "'Solitary' brings to light the human nature of these men held in isolation often for years on end, affecting their mental state. The film also highlights the effort the state of Virginia is making to provide some a pathway to return to normal incarceration."
Today, the United States holds more than 80,000 men, women, and adolescents in solitary confinement and supermax prisons.
Many prisoners are placed in solitary confinement for either the safety of the general population or for their own protection. However, reports indicate that solitary confinement does not reduce prison violence. Plus, prisoners who transition out of solitary and reenter society see a higher rate of recidivism.
SOLITARY: Inside Red Onion State Prison (HBO)
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