Reach Families in Your Community
This Christmas, 1.5 million children will have a parent in prison.
But your church can help those in your community stay connected and feel loved.
Prison Fellowship Angel Tree
It Starts with a Gift.
Prison Fellowship Angel Tree® equips churches to strengthen bonds between incarcerated parents and their children, delivering hope and supporting families.
Angel Tree churches are always matched to serve the closest available children. These local church connections offer tangible support and express Christ’s love to families impacted by incarceration—often sparking ongoing ministry and relationship.
Hear from a pastor who was glad he signed up.
See how you can be Jesus’ hands and feet to families near you.
Start Angel Tree at your Church
Want to learn more?
We’d love to talk.
Fill out the form below to connect with a representative and learn more about serving families near you this Christmas and all year-round.
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Angel Tree Across the Nation
This map shows the number of Angel Tree children last Christmas. How many are in your state?
Will You Pray With Us?
Will you pray for the families we serve, the children receiving gifts, and the volunteers making it all possible? We know God listens to those who love and serve Him.
Share your prayers on social media, tagging us and using #pfangeltree so we know you’re praying with us.