More than half of the incarcerated women in state and federal prisons in this country are mothers to minor children.
More than half of the incarcerated women in state and federal prisons in this country are mothers to minor children.
Legal troubles were part of Michelle’s family legacy, so when her boss asked for her “help” with the company’s taxes, it just seemed par for the course.
Create: New Beginnings, Prison Fellowship's unique restorative art program for incarcerated women, recently celebrated a graduation in Oklahoma.
An in-prison sewing club—which includes several Prison Fellowship Academy® participants—is helping to protect Oklahoma City from COVID-19, one handmade mask at a time.
For Anh, stepping into a California prison felt like the end of a long, dark road. She was stunned when a stranger told her the meaning of her name—and even more shocked when she discovered the secret to peace behind bars.
Annie Goebel and her daughter know from experience what it’s like to be separated from your loved ones because of incarceration. At a recent Hope Event in South Dakota, the mother and daughter teamed up to share their testimony of the God’s restoration in their lives.
Christian artist and Grammy-award winner Lauren Daigle went behind bars with Prison Fellowship for face-to-face time with incarcerated women.
"Walking with Jesus in this institution has been a gift."
Peaches followed her families footsteps all the way into prison. After having her first child while she was incarcerated she knew something had to change.
Alissa had no hope, no purpose, only a life of pain. In prison she learned that God made her for a purpose - to glorify Him.
Blair was so busy taking care of everyone else she couldn't take care of herself.
Kim felt far from God and far from everyone else. The Prison Fellowship Academy™ changed everything.
Kim's world was small. Then God broke in and made it new.
" I'm going to be OK if I just trust in God with all my heart."
"I had three beautiful children—the perfect neighborhood, the perfect job, the perfect car."
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.