In the Prison Fellowship Academy, prisoners find a safe place to grow.
In the Prison Fellowship Academy, prisoners find a safe place to grow.
James received a sentence of 25 years to life behind bars. In the Academy, he has found a new reason to live—even if he’s never released.
Sammi’s faith and hope were fading fast. Then she joined Prison Fellowship Academy. Today, she isn’t the same woman who first walked into that Nebraska prison.
Deep transformation doesn't happen overnight. Prison Fellowship Academy participants develop and practice the biblically based values of Good Citizenship.
When tensions are mounting in a high-security prison, do words really have power to de-escalate fight?
Going on lockdown at a correctional facility can put the entire population—prisoners and correctional officers—on edge. In a world where it's, "Every man for himself!" can community thrive?
Tammy was surprised at the Academy participants’ dedication. “They began to truly care for one another, standing up for each other, encouraging one another. After all the conflict, I was so amazed and relieved.”
When people talk about prisoners being responsible, it’s usually in the negative sense of culpability. But in the Prison Fellowship Academy, every participant has positive responsibilities, like fulfilling their program commitments and supporting their Academy classmates. And that changes everything.
What’s the Prison Fellowship Academy all about? Part 1 of this new blog series highlights integrity, one of the six core values of the Academy. The Academy allows participants to embrace a Gospel-centered worldview and take ownership of their transformation—even in prison, where positive change might otherwise seem impossible.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.