Sammi’s faith and hope were fading fast. Then she joined Prison Fellowship Academy. Today, she isn’t the same woman who first walked into that Nebraska prison.
Things run a little differently at Minnesota Correction Facility—Shakopee. Here, female prisoners engage in community and in-prison programing like the Prison Fellowship Academy.
After her addiction sent her to prison, Amber knew she needed help. But recovery programs just didn’t seem to work. She needed something more. She needed a deeper relationship. She needed the Gospel.
For years, Emily desired to join the Marines. But her life took a drastically different route. Could the Prison Fellowship Academy help her find her way?
“I can never make the day of the accident vanish as if it didn’t exist. It happened. But I can be restored.” Amy, a Prison Fellowship Academy graduate, reveals what happened when she stopped running from God and finally began to grow.
"God's grace has changed me and made me into a totally different person."
Angelina found her voice and her calling when she went to prison. Serving a long sentence, Angelina is helping lead women to walk better lives with Christ.
Kelsey and her mom had a destructive relationship, bonding over drug abuse and addiction.
Susan blamed her mother for everything that went wrong in her life. Until Prison Fellowship Academy taught her about forgiveness.
"I've known God throughout my life but never on an intimate level."
Kelly from Shakopee shares how she deals with loneliness while serving her prison sentence.
Emily is leaving Shakopee for the world outside, and it's a lot to process.
"I live a simple life now, but I have an overflowing joy that puts a smile on my face."
"Over time our love for each other became weaker, and our love for drugs became stronger."