After a long year of hard work, the women in class 35 of the Academy at Shakopee celebrated their accomplishments—with a little bit of whimsy.
In prison, Brooke was drawn to the thrill of "the game" and seeing what she could get away with. She wanted to change—but would she?
For years she had led women into deeper relationship with Jesus. Her unexpected journey into prison was an answer to prayer.
Drugs and fraud sent Brittany to prison, but God was waiting for her. “Prison would set the stage for the rest of my life,” she shares. Read on to discover how God redeemed Brittany from her past and gave her hope for the future.
Things run a little differently at Minnesota Correction Facility—Shakopee. Here, female prisoners engage in community and in-prison programing like the Prison Fellowship Academy.
After her addiction sent her to prison, Amber knew she needed help. But recovery programs just didn’t seem to work. She needed something more. She needed a deeper relationship. She needed the Gospel.
For years, Emily desired to join the Marines. But her life took a drastically different route. Could the Prison Fellowship Academy help her find her way?
“I can never make the day of the accident vanish as if it didn’t exist. It happened. But I can be restored.” Amy, a Prison Fellowship Academy graduate, reveals what happened when she stopped running from God and finally began to grow.
"God's grace has changed me and made me into a totally different person."
Finish the race. Win the prize.
Martha Ackerman and Stephanie Segel are bringing community and peace to prisons through a restorative art program called Create: New Beginnings.
Kelsey and her mom had a destructive relationship, bonding over drug abuse and addiction.
Susan blamed her mother for everything that went wrong in her life. Until Prison Fellowship Academy taught her about forgiveness.
Prison Fellowship Academy graduate Darcy shares her testimony and the calling God has on her life as a woman of impact walking in freedom.
Darcy Jo knew how to hold a grudge. She struggled with forgiveness. and would rather end a friendship than confront her bitterness. So what changed?