WASHINGTON, D.C., March 1, 2024 —Prison Fellowship, the nation’s largest Christian nonprofit serving prisoners, former prisoners, and their families, announced today that it received a grant from the Robert S. and Mildred M. Baynard Charitable Trust. The generous gift from the Florida-based trust will support children of incarcerated parents, especially those living in Florida, through Prison Fellowship Angel Tree.
With 1 in 12 children under the age of 18 experiencing parental incarceration at some time in life, Prison Fellowship Angel Tree brings hope and opportunities to incarcerated people and their families. It equips churches to strengthen relationships between incarcerated parents and their children and support the families of prisoners year-round. Angel Tree enables local congregations to extend the hope of the Gospel and enfold Angel Tree families into church life through delivering Christmas gifts on behalf of incarcerated parents, sending kids to summer camp, facilitating one-day sports camps, and more.
Prison Fellowship is the nation's largest outreach to prisoners, former prisoners, and their families, and a leading voice for criminal justice reform. With more than 45 years of experience helping restore men and women behind bars, Prison Fellowship advocates for federal and state criminal justice reforms that transform those responsible for crime, validate victims, and encourage communities to play a role in creating a safe, redemptive, and just society.
For interview requests, please contact Susan Merriman at 703.554.8698 or susan_merriman@pfm.org.