Welcome, Angel Tree Family Members!
If you are raising a child who has an incarcerated parent, you probably face unique challenges that many people don’t understand. Prison Fellowship Angel Tree® is here to offer help and support throughout your journey.
At Christmas and throughout the year, know that you are not forgotten or alone. Jesus loves you, and Prison Fellowship Angel Tree is here for you.
Angel Tree Christmas
Your child may have received a Christmas gift from their incarcerated parent through Angel Tree Christmas. Through that gift, your child knows they are remembered by their parent in prison, and the parent-child bond is strengthened.
If your child has not participated in Angel Tree Christmas, you can request an application be sent to their parent. Requested link can be accessed from March to September.
Angel Tree Christmas
Your child may have received a Christmas gift from their incarcerated parent through Angel Tree Christmas. Through that gift, your child knows they are remembered by their parent in prison, and the parent-child bond is strengthened.
If your children have not participated in Angel Tree Christmas, you can request to have an application sent to their parent. Request link can be accessed from March to September.
Outstanding Chaplain Award
Do you know an outstanding chaplain? The Outstanding Chaplain Award, presented by Prison Fellowship®, recognizes chaplains who have gone above and beyond to serve those behind bars, working creatively and compassionately to meet the needs of those in their facility as well as their families. Anyone serving as a chaplain in corrections is eligible for the award, regardless of personal religion or facility type. Nominate someone here.
Angel Tree Camping
Kids love summer camp, and it can benefit them tremendously. At an Angel Tree partner camp, your child will experience fun activities, positive relationships, and the love of God in the great outdoors. Angel Tree scholarships mean your child can have an amazing week at overnight camp for little to no cost.
Angel Tree Sports Camps
In some locations, your child may have the opportunity to attend a one-day sports camp. These camps feature professional athletes, coaches, and volunteers who will teach your kid sports fundamentals and share the hope found in Christ. And as a parent or guardian, you can attend special breakout sessions, where you will enjoy meaningful discussion and the chance to connect with others who are raising children with an incarcerated parent. Sports camps are currently hosted in Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Oklahoma City, Washington D.C., and more!
Angel Tree Mentoring
Our select mentoring partners offer ongoing support and guidance for children all year long. Your child is matched with a caring mentor who is committed to investing time and attention into your child’s life. Availability is limited, but we are working to expand this program to more areas.
This encouraging monthly newsletter is written just for you!
Here you will find devotionals, resources, events, and stories about other families who are making it through and finding hope while facing some of the same circumstances you deal with every day.
Sign up here to receive a steady dose of hope!
Resources for Families of Prisoners
Children’s Resources
When a parent goes to prison, it’s common for kids to experience anxiety, anger, sadness, or feelings of loneliness and abandonment. But opening a dialogue with your child can help them process their feelings. We’ve compiled a list of books to help you do exactly that.
Free Spiritual Resources
Help your family learn more about God and His love. You can order The Life and Teachings of Jesus for you and devotionals and Bibles for your children.
Coping Resources
Coping with the incarceration of a loved one can be overwhelming. These resources will help you know what to expect after someone you care about has been arrested.
Community Resources
Below are resources we have collected over the years as families have reached out to us seeking assistance within their communities. Inclusion on this list does not guarantee services provided by the organization or endorsement by Prison Fellowship. It is up to you to research any organization listed to confirm that they are a good fit for what you need.
Do you live in Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas, or Houston?
Check out the opportunities in your city, and sign your child up for any or all!
Take the Bible With You Anywhere!
Download the YouVersion Bible App
For adults and teens. There is a daily Kids Bible Experience video for older children at the bottom of the home screen.
Additional Resources
Pelipost, The Photos-to-Prison App helps you send photos to your incarcerated loved one in any county jail, juvenile facility, prison, or halfway home.
Administer Justice is a Christian organization that provides legal help and gospel hope to low-income neighbors in America.
Kairos Outside provides women who now have or have had relatives in prisons or jails with a no-cost retreat hosted by a Christian community.