Since 1980, the number of American women in prison has increased more than 700 percent. Can Corrections meet the needs of its growing female prison population?
Since 1980, the number of American women in prison has increased more than 700 percent. Can Corrections meet the needs of its growing female prison population?
"I've known God throughout my life but never on an intimate level."
Prison Fellowship expands outreach to incarcerated women.
Crack cocaine. Prostitution. Murder. Lisa was running from a past haunted by her crimes. And the fear and guilt were overwhelming.
"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!"
This week, “America ReFramed” aired its feature-length documentary on the lives of incarcerated moms: “Mothers of Bedford.”
“America ReFramed” is a television series bringing its viewers a “snapshot of the transforming American life.” Within the last few decades the number of incarcerated women in America has more than doubled, and today, 80 percent of female inmates are biological mothers to school-aged children.
"I delivered my baby girl, shackled to a hospital bed, in a vulnerable position exposed to all, without family and only corrections officers by my side."
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.