Prison Fellowship’s policy team releases interactive map of COVID-19’s impact on state and federal prisons across the United States.
By Prison Fellowship
May 18, 2020
COVID-19 | COVID-19 News | The CARES ActPrison Fellowship’s policy team releases interactive map of COVID-19’s impact on state and federal prisons across the United States.
By Prison Fellowship
May 14, 2020
COVID-19 | COVID-19 News | COVID-19 Resources | Second Chance Month | The CARES ActSen. Portman urges SBA not to penalize business owners with criminal records during pandemic.
By Prison Fellowship
May 1, 2020
COVID-19 | COVID-19 News | Second Chance Month | The CARES ActThe Paycheck Protection Program Increase Act fails to correct restriction preventing access to relief for business owners with criminal records.
By Prison Fellowship
April 22, 2020
Second Chance Month | The CARES ActThe recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act touches nearly every part of American society, including the prison system.
By David Jimenez
April 14, 2020
COVID-19 | COVID-19 Resources | The CARES Act