Check in with us each week for an update on how the COVID-19 is affecting Prison Fellowship and correctional facilities - including our regularly updated map of impact on prisons in each state.
Check in with us each week for an update on how the COVID-19 is affecting Prison Fellowship and correctional facilities - including our regularly updated map of impact on prisons in each state.
Prison chaplain John Cherico writes to the Incarcerated readers of Inside Journal on how God can turn painful trials into triumphs.
Even in a regular non-pandemic year, the separation from family can impact the mental health of men and women behind bars during the holidays.
How the Inside Journal R&O edition was called into active duty and became essential reading for quarantined prisoners during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prison Fellowship’s policy team releases interactive map of COVID-19’s impact on state and federal prisons across the United States.
The recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act touches nearly every part of American society, including the prison system.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we ask that you partner with us to share the hope of the Gospel with prisons on lockdown today
Prison Fellowship has put together this quick overview on what to expect in the coming weeks as the criminal justice system responds to COVID-19.
Remember the Prisoner, Correctional Officers, and Their Families
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.