Excessive, confusing statutes cost money, wreck the lives of upstanding citizens, and discourage economic growth.
Which of the following behaviors do you believe should result in federal criminal charges?
1. Diverting a backed-up sewage system
2. Abandoning a snowmobile in a life-threatening blizzard
3. Digging up arrowheads
4. Violating another country’s law by shipping lobsters in plastic instead of paper bags
If you answered none of the above, you have better sense than Congress.
The United States is drifting further and further away from the basic constitutional and legal principles of our criminal justice system. For much of our history, the duties associated with “crime-fighting” were clearly understood to be a responsibility of state and local governments.
Over the years, however, Congress has continued to encroach on state police powers by passing more and more federal criminal laws and regulations. In addition to the near 4,500 statutory federal crimes, there are estimated to be between 100,000–300,000 federal regulations that may carry criminal penalties. Many of these laws make every day innocent actions subject to criminal prosecution. This derails a fundamental principle in criminal law: actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea—the act itself does not make one a criminal unless done with criminal intent.
This practice, called “overcriminalization,” is an attack on the foundational principles of justice and contrary to the fundamental principles of fairness. If you’re outraged by this federal government overreach, write your Congressmen and ask them what they are doing to prevent overcriminalization.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Justice Fellowship
Criminalizing America – How Big Government Makes a Criminal of Every American
American Legislative Exchange Council
The Federal Prison Population Buildup: Overview, Policy Changes, Issues, and Options
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Congressional Research Service
The Federal Prison Population Buildup: Overview, Policy Changes, Issues, and Options (Congressional Research Service)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Congressional Research Service
Families Against Mandatory Minimums Summary of CRS Report
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Families Against Mandatory Minimums
VIDEO: USA vs. YOU: Federal Government Unfairly Targets Maryland Father
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The Heritage Foundation
Testimony of Jesse Wiese Before the House Judiciary Over-Criminalization Task Force
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Justice Fellowship