It’s strange for most of us to think about Christmas during the summer months. But for many prisoners across the country, summer means gifts—not for themselves but for their children. It is during this time that prisons hold Angel Tree signups. Inmates sign up their children for Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree—a program where churches across the country provide Christmas gifts for prisoners’ children on behalf of the prisoner.
I recently took a team of volunteers into Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility and Milan Federal Institution to help men and women sign up their children for more than a gift. It was such a blessing to assist these men and women. You could tell they felt a sense of empowerment as they completed the applications and chose gifts for their children out of the gift guide.
Several of the women said thank you for allowing us to do this for our children. The volunteers also encouraged the inmates to write a special message to their child which would be attached to the gift. Messages included things like “Merry Christmas,” “I hope you enjoy this gift,” “I miss you,” and “I love you.” It was so heartwarming
Many of the inmates thanked the team for being there and shared how they really appreciated the Angel Tree ministry. At Milan Federal Christmas music played as the men filled the prison chapel. One inmate thanked me and said when he gets out of prison he would be supporting the Angel Tree ministry because it has been a blessing to his child for three years.
Inmates understand that Angel Tree is more than a gift. It is a way for families to be reconciled and to stay connected. Parents feel empowered. Caregivers feel supported. Children are reminded they are not forgotten by their parents. Churches have a unique opportunity to reach out to prisoners’ families and show them the love of Christ.
These in-prison signups are some of my favorite events. I feel like we’re doing more than signing up inmates for Angel Tree, we’re signing them up for hope.
This Christmas, by partnering with churches, Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree will serve over 350,000 children across the country. The Michigan team expects to serve between 11,000 and 13,000. Register your church today for Angel Tree and see how God will impact the lives of these families forever.
Denise Harris is the field director for Prison Fellowship in Detroit, Michigan.