Currently, 70 million people in the U.S. have a criminal record. As a result, they face nearly 44,000 legal barriers to opportunity and success—barriers that are not always clearly linked to public safety. Such restrictions make it difficult for men and women to find work, housing, education, and other essentials needed to support their families and thrive.
By extending second chances to people with a criminal record, our churches can afford them the opportunity to be productive, contributing members of the community. Wondering what your church can do? Here are six ways your church can be the key to unlocking second chances.
1. Share about Second Chance Month® on your church’s social media accounts.
2. Host a Second Chance Sunday service recognizing the importance of second chances and the fresh start we can have in Christ.
3. Hold prayer times throughout Second Chance Month to lift up people with a criminal record.
4. Allow local returning citizens to complete community service hours by cleaning or doing landscaping at your church.
5. Provide year-round support through food pantries, clothing closets, household furnishings, babysitting, and transportation.
6. Serve in year-round ministries including marriage counseling and addiction recovery groups like Celebrate Recovery®.
When our churches extend second chances to people with a criminal record, we afford them the opportunity to be productive, contributing members of our communities. Send a letter to Congress today asking them to remove legal barriers for individuals with a criminal record who have faced their consequences.
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