A smile that spreads across his freckled face at the mention of his kids speaks more of Tony Dungy’s greatness than the trophy he gripped in his hand after becoming the first African American coach to lead a team to Super Bowl victory.
By Zoe Sandvig
April 10, 2013
Inside-OutAaron pulled the trigger that would tear away his freedom and change the course of his life—as well as the lives of everyone he knew, even those he hadn't yet met.
By Zoe Sandvig
April 6, 2010
Native American | OklahomaWith Ears to Hear
It was a few weeks after Christmas 2007, and 28-year-old Josh Coover sat in his 1995 Subaru outside the Navy Yard Metrorail stop in southeast Washington, D.C. The rain pounded against his windshield.
6:00 p.m.
They’re not going to remember, Josh told himself.
By Zoe Sandvig
January 2, 2010