Tim walks with a limp, but no one would have known it the night he came to the Angel Tree® party.
You should have seen him as he raced down the church aisle. Some say he was skipping. To others it looked like he was dancing.
You never would have known how sick Tim is from the huge grin on his face. You never would have guessed that his family has experienced far more than their share of tragedy.
All you would have seen was the difference love has made—and a boy who won't let anything stop him from living life to the fullest.
It hasn't been an easy road. Tim's father’s lost his battle with the same deadly neuromuscular disease that one day may take Tim's life, too. To top it off, Tim's stepdad is in prison.
Tim's stepdad knows he probably will never get out of prison. But he's determined to do what he can to be a positive part of Tim's life. That's why he signed up Tim for Angel Tree.
It was a life-changing decision for the entire family.
When Tim left last year's Angel Tree party, his arms were loaded with presents to be opened on Christmas morning. There was the remote-control car he'd been asking for. And the clothes his mom knew he needed. Tim's stepdad had written him a note. When Tim read it, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.
But the best gift Tim brought home from the party that night was a brand-new relationship with Jesus.
Tim was one of 12 prisoners' children who chose to trust Christ at the Angel Tree party. But the story doesn't end there—not by a long shot.
You see, last summer, Tim was invited to Angel Tree camp. He didn't let his disability slow him down. He rode horseback and went fishing with his counselor. He had loads of fun.
Tim's relationship with Christ also continues to grow. "He prays daily, and we pray as a family. I'm learning a lot from him," his mom says.
"Angel Tree got me through a lot of pain," she adds. "I saw that I was not alone."
Neither Tim nor his mom know everything that tomorrow may bring, but they know that Jesus will always be there for them. And they know they have friends at Angel Tree.
Prison Fellowship®'s goal this year is to give an Angel Tree Christmas to more than 300,000 children of prisoners.
Your gift today will go to deliver Christmas presents and the Gospel to prisoners' kids. Some, like Tim, will claim God's greatest gift of all this Christmas—the gift of eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ.
In many other cases, a seed will be planted. So please help today if there's any way you can.
Let's show more kids like Tim how much they are loved and give them a chance to know Jesus!