Prison Fellowship is paving pathways to transformation, equipping the Church inside, and igniting hope in this generation of culture changers.
Prison Fellowship partnered with Tyndale House Publishers to make Create: New Beginnings available to women everywhere!
Frequently asked questions about drug disparity.
Extending grace can be a powerful public witness for Evangelicals today.
Prisons, encircled by high walls topped with razor wire, seem to be closed worlds.
It’s easy to keep them out of sight and out of mind. Since prisons are so remote from most people’s daily lives, it can be difficult to recognize the humanity of the men and women inside and to value their rehabilitation and restoration.
Can you believe abandoning a snowmobile in a life-threatening blizzard or digging up arrowheads can result in criminal charges?
These are a few unfortunate examples of “overcriminalization.”
New criminal laws that do not include a criminal intent requirement and the duplication of federal criminal laws that already exist at the state level have made it impossible for reasonable citizens to know all the criminal laws and regulations that could land them in jail or prison.
The Gospel tells us the good news: that Christ died on the cross so that each of us can enter into fellowship with Him (1 Corinthians 1:9).
We are also called to have fellowship with one another (1 John 1:7). Prison Fellowship Ministries, as indicated by our title, seeks to cultivate fellowship inside prison walls.
Whether it’s the debt ceiling, gun control, or other hot topics in politics, it seems like Congress is paralyzed by partisan gridlock. However, Justice Fellowship – the advocacy arm of Prison Fellowship Ministries – is excited to be part of fostering growing bipartisan agreement on criminal justice reform, an issue that has bitterly divided liberals and conservatives for years.