Christianity Today dedicated its September issue to the topic of evangelicals and their ministry to those impacted by crime and incarceration. One excellent article–How Churches Change the Equation for Life After Prison–highlighted the fact that over the past several decades, Christians have entered the arena of prison ministry in hordes, but their focus has been largely on evangelism and discipleship–impact on an individual and heart level–while areas like reentry and criminal justice reform have been largely untouched.
By Zoe Erler
September 1, 2016
Christianity Today | Criminal Justice Reform | LIfeWay Research | Reentry | Shawn CasselberryIt’s altogether too easy for those of us with little or no connection to prison to dismiss and ignore the men and women behind bars. Content to live our own lives, we are quick to conclude that the incarcerated “got what they had coming to them,” and to write them off as inconsequential.
By Steve Rempe
July 16, 2015
Angel Tree | Christianity Today | Face of God | her.meneutics | Imago Dei | Justice Fellowship | Prayer Team | Remember the Prisoner