Incarceration is one of the best predictors of divorce. Elsy, Leyda, and their husbands were determined to beat the odds.
Incarceration is one of the best predictors of divorce. Elsy, Leyda, and their husbands were determined to beat the odds.
When Raúl stopped hiding in Costa Rica and returned to the United States, he knew prison awaited him. He anticipated the trial, the sentencing, and the loneliness. But God had more in store.
Raúl fled Communism, and then arrest. To build a new life, he would have to face his consequences.
A state attorney said Robert would never change. But Robert’s story didn’t end in prison, and that surprised everyone—including him.
She witnessed her family and others being torn apart by incarceration. Now Erica is using her voice as a Justice Ambassador to help restore similar lives.
Left in her grandmother's care, Tatianna would pray at Christmas and New Year's, 'I just want my mama here.'
In a historic vote, Florida passes Amendment 4 and restores voting rights to the 1.5 million Floridians with a felony record.
Lázaro hoped to get rich quick, but the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
“Justice that restores. What does that mean? Who are we restoring? Where are we restoring them to?”
Prison Fellowship President and CEO James Ackerman asks these questions to a recent gathering of volunteers in Tampa, Florida. The answer, he suggests, can be found in the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Learn to do right.
The written word. It has the muscle to enlarge minds.
To touch hearts.
To educate and inspire.
That’s why Mike Oliver collects and organizes books each week that will be sent to Florida prisoners.
But there’s another reason.
Five years ago, Oliver, 72, was incarcerated and knows how good it felt to receive reading material while serving time.
A version of this post appears on the Justice Fellowship website.
In 2015, an estimated 5.8 million Americans are denied their right to vote. Christian leaders who set policy should act to correct this affront on redemption, restoration, and hope in our communities.
Long-time visitors to this blog may remember the story of Davion Only. In 2013, the then-15-year-old Davion stepped in front of a church in Florida and asked if someone would adopt him.
Davion and Connie. (Reprinted with permission of The Tampa Bay Times.
Jesus never told His followers to “keep the faith;” He taught us “go into all the world” and make disciples. When we allow our faith to become insular, we miss out on all the joy of serving others and seeing their lives transformed by God’s grace.
A mom finds out that her son hasn’t been brushing his teeth at camp because he can’t find the toothpaste he packed. The mom runs to the store, buys the toothpaste, and tosses it in the mail. Problem solved. The cost of making sure her son keeps his pearly-whites clean?
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.