We’ve gathered four resources every person needs as they plan for a prison visit, whether visiting a loved one or serving as a volunteer.
By Emily Harris Greene
November 19, 2019
Angel Tree | Family | prison visitWe’ve gathered four resources every person needs as they plan for a prison visit, whether visiting a loved one or serving as a volunteer.
Prison Fellowship's Jennifer Lowrey shares why we are called to 'remember the prisoner.'
When I first arrived, I could only see the prisoners through the lens of their crimes. However, as I watched the assistant warden and interacted with the inmates myself, I realized that they are just like me. We are all broken sinners in need of redeeming grace. None of us is a statistic to the One who leaves the 99 to seek out the one lost sheep.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.