When Christmas comes this year, Michelle and her family will again be part of Angel Tree. But this year, they’ll be giving the gifts instead of receiving them.
Every week, the Lord is using Camp David of the Ozarks to reach Angel Tree kids like Caysha -- to show them His plans for them.
Chicago lawmakers have decided it's time to take a fresh approach to counteracting all the gun violence and overflowing jails in their city. And this fresh approach starts with the young people.
In the midst of tragedy, Tom found hope in his relationship with God.
When I first arrived, I could only see the prisoners through the lens of their crimes. However, as I watched the assistant warden and interacted with the inmates myself, I realized that they are just like me. We are all broken sinners in need of redeeming grace. None of us is a statistic to the One who leaves the 99 to seek out the one lost sheep.
Robyn, an inmate participating in Prison Fellowship's Prisoners to Pastors program, has begun a prayer movement at her prison in California.
Please pray that God will pave the way for Eric to return home to his daughter, and eventually, to return to prison as a volunteer to share his softball ministry.
To help volunteers understand more about the prison environment, we’ve prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about prison.
From March 5 until April 20, Kent McKeever of Waco, Texas, wore orange prison clothes each day. He wore them to the grocery store, to the movies, to run a race, and even to jury duty.
McKeever, a youth pastor and lawyer, explains why he donned prison garb throughout Lent: “Even though it wasn’t real and I could explain myself and take it off at anytime, wearing the orange prison uniform gave me an opportunity to listen to the songs of the oppressed in ways I could never hear and experience as a white male with a middle-class, professional background.”
Never underestimate what He can do with humble hearts totally surrendered to His plans and purposes for the world.
“If you could have a window in your cell, what place from your past would it look out to?”
Demaryius Thomas, wide receiver for the Denver Broncos, remembers the day that his mom was taken away.
This Saturday, the Florida Department of Corrections and Sesame Workshop, Sesame Street’s nonprofit organization, will partner together to bring the “Little Children, Big Challenges” project offline and into the real world.
A January 2013 article by Jessi Strong, written for Bible Study Magazine, examines the unique perspective that incarcerated men and women bring to the study of God’s Word.
Prison Fellowship Ministries CEO Jim Liske told the magazine, “You don’t have to spend time talking to an inmate about how their life is not working out.