As a Prison Fellowship volunteer at Mabel Basset Correctional Center, Sharee’s walk in Christ has deepened more than she ever imagined.
As a Prison Fellowship volunteer at Mabel Basset Correctional Center, Sharee’s walk in Christ has deepened more than she ever imagined.
When Mike stood up in the courtroom, he faced the boy who killed his son. Then Mike spoke the words only God could have given him.
For Susan Nutt, the very worst time to volunteer turned out to be exactly right. Her cancer was progressing—could she really find time for prison ministry?
Why would a 40-something, single mom of two spend her days volunteering behind bars at a men’s prison?
'I fell in love with [volunteering] right away, because there were people in there who needed me. A chance to make a difference—that's what I've been praying for my whole life.'
He first went to prison to visit his incarcerated wife. Today, they both serve behind bars.
It's tempting to close our eyes to the needs of those in our communities, but when we do, we miss out on the love God pours out on those who give.
Director of cultivation and engagement at Focus on the Family John McKeever shares what he has learned about God’s transforming power while volunteering with Prison Fellowship behind bars.
Pat knew God had called her to prison ministry, but the work was hard and long. And then God sent her Stan.
For the past two summers, Ben Wade has worked as a counselor at Frontier Camp, a Christian camp in Grapeland, Texas. Most of the time, being a camp counselor is pretty straightforward. But the week that the Angel Tree® kids arrive is different.
Ankie Nielsen has driven the 25 miles to and from the women's correctional facility every week for the past 14 years—rain or shine.
The InnerChange Freedom Initiative® (IFI) was a privately funded program that provided educational, values-based services to prisoners on a voluntary and noncompulsory basis to help prepare them to re-enter the workplace, religious and community life, and family and social relationships. In 2016, the program was renamed the Prison Fellowship Academy®.
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to go into prison?
Prison Fellowship is introducing a new video series where viewers can see what it is like to take a message of transformation to men and women behind bars.
“Prison Fellowship Insider” will provide a chance to look behind the scenes of the ministry.
A version of this post originally appeared on the West Belmont Place website, and is used here with permission.
Jim Heigl and Tanie Guy prepare to help bake 600 chocolate chip cookies that will be shared inside prison.
Executive Chef Chris Ferrier of the West Belmont Place Event Center in Leesburg, Virginia, opened his kitchen to volunteers from Prison Fellowship for the baking of 50 dozen chocolate chip cookies.
I visit prisons frequently, and rarely do I feel uncomfortable. When the prison staff will permit it, I shake hands with and even embrace incarcerated men without fear. But one recent experience left me feeling shaken.
After a worship service in a prison auditorium, I was taken to F Block, a multi-tier roundhouse where the prison’s most violent and hardened residents are kept.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.