Roxanne went through a series of "firsts"—first boyfriend, first baby, and first time trying meth.
Roxanne went through a series of "firsts"—first boyfriend, first baby, and first time trying meth.
Darcy Jo knew how to hold a grudge. She struggled with forgiveness. and would rather end a friendship than confront her bitterness. So what changed?
Meri reflects on how her former loyalties and desires led her down a journey of despair. But today she's on a journey of restoration.
Susan trusted herself over God, and it led her to a life of crime and incarceration. In this letter, she writes to her younger self what she has learned over the years.
Prison Fellowship Academy is changing lives through Christ.
"I just wanted somebody to tell me that I had value, and tell me to stop sticking a needle in my arm."
"I've known God throughout my life but never on an intimate level."
"I laid these hands down, and I picked up my Bible for Jesus Christ."
Prison Fellowship's interview with a veteran of the Oklahoma prison system.
Emily is leaving Shakopee for the world outside, and it's a lot to process.
Jerrel Martin and a group of prisoners meet regularly for worship, teaching, discipleship, and prayer behind bars. It's church. Prison church. And it's clear that God is here.
"I live a simple life now, but I have an overflowing joy that puts a smile on my face."
In Jominiq's home growing up, Christmas was a day he only saw celebrated on TV.
Restoration Partners give monthly to bring life-changing prison ministry programs to incarcerated men and women across the country.